Tolomush Okeyev-搜索结果

  • 给我一颗红苹果 Красное яблоко


    导演:Tolomush Okeyev   编剧:钦吉斯·艾特玛托夫

    主演:Souïmenkoul TCHOKMOROV, Toulsara ADJIBEKOVA, Tattybioubiou TOURSOUNBAEVA, Anara MAKEKADYROVA

      「Tolomush Okeyev無疑是一個值得關注的導演、一個偉大的電影藝術家。他知道如何在獨裁政權最風聲鶴唳的情況下拍攝出完美的影片。無論是在內涵或是型式上都是如此。

  • 灰狼 Лютый


    导演:Tolomush Okeyev   编剧:Andrei Konchalovsky, Eduard Tropinin, 安德烈·塔可夫斯基


      This visually stunning Kazakh movie tells a tragic tale of absent and misplaced compassion. A young orphan rescues an orphaned wolf cub and lavishes considerable affection on it. His uncle, believing that this “softness” will result in the boy’s being unable to endure the rigors of life on the Kazakh steppes, savagely beats the cub in front of the boy. By the time the gr...